

2023年12月15日(金)から17日(日)の3日間、大谷大学真宗総合研究所とハンガリーの学術交流協定校エトヴェシ・ロラーンド大学(ELTE)東アジア研究所との共催により「世界の宗教的伝統におけるさとりと智恵と変容」(Enlightenment, Wisdom, and Transformation in the World’s Religious Tradition)をテーマとする国際シンポジウムが開催されました。





また初日15日(金)午後には長谷正當先生(京都大学名誉教授、大谷大学元教授)による「親鸞の往生思想——正定聚に住するということ——」(Shinran’s Understanding of Birth in the Pure Land: What Is the “Company of the Rightly Settled”?)と題された基調講演がありました。


  1. 箕浦暁雄 (文学部仏教学科教授)
    Remaining in Suffering and Walking Ahead: The Shift in the Meaning of Life in Buddhism
  2. Michael Conway (文学部真宗学科准教授・「国際仏教研究」研究員)
    Shinran’s Understanding of the Pure Land as “The Land of Immeasurable Light”
  3. 新田智通 (文学部仏教学科准教授・「国際仏教研究」研究員)
    The Emergence of the “Human Buddha” in the Nineteenth Century Europe and the Prejudice of the Enlightenment: Focusing on the Ozeray and Burnouf
  4. Ama Michihiro (国際学部国際文化学科准教授・「国際仏教研究」研究員)
    Unbreaking the Broken Commandment: A Buddhist Reading of Hakai
  5. 井上尚実(文学部真宗学科教授・「国際仏教研究」研究員)
    The Enlightenment and Transformation of King Ajātaśatru according to the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra
  6. Sepideh Afrashteh(大谷大学客員研究員、イランから来日中)
    “Illumination Wisdom” for Achieving Enlightenment in the Book of Red Wisdom by Suhrawardī

以上6名の発表者の他に、木越康(文学部真宗学科教授・「国際仏教研究」研究員)、藤枝真(文学部哲学科教授)、Robert F. Rhodes(名誉教授)がセッションの司会・応答者として参加しました。

またインドの学術交流協定校ナーランダ大学からGodabarisha Mishra教授が参加されSelf-Understanding, Selfless Action and Transformation (Yoga in the Bhagavadgītā: Exhibiting a Liberated Man in Hinduism)という題で研究発表をされました。



  • Ferenc Ruzsa教授 (Eötvös Loránd University)による発表の様子
    Ferenc Ruzsa教授 (Eötvös Loránd University)による発表の様子
  • Imre Hamar副学長 (Eötvös Loránd University)による発表の様子
    Imre Hamar副学長 (Eötvös Loránd University)による発表の様子
  1. Who invented enlightenment?
    Ferenc Ruzsa (Eötvös Loránd University)
  2. Self-Understanding, Selfless Action and Transformation (Yoga in the Bhagavadgītā: Exhibiting a Liberated Man in Hinduism)
    Godabarisha Mishra (Nalanda International University)
  3. GLADDENING LIGHT: Wisdom as folly, theophany, inebriation and transfiguration
    Thomas Plant (Rikkyo University)
  4. Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Wisdom of God
    Tsunoda Yuichi 角田佑一 (Sophia University)
  5. “Wisdom” in East Asian Mahayana Buddhism
    Paul Swanson (Nanzan University)
  6. Enlightenment, Wisdom, and Transformation in Islam
    Mark Sedgwick (Aarhus University)
  7. Remaining in Suffering and Walking Ahead: The Shift in the Meaning of Life in Buddhism
    Minoura Akio 箕浦暁雄 (Otani University)
  8. The Wisdom to Become Buddhist: Arguments for Lay Conversion in Late Antique Indian Buddhist Homiletics
    Péter Szántó (Eötvös Loránd University)
  9. Enlightenment through meditation in 20th century Buddhist and Christian thoughtPéter Boros (Eötvös Loránd University)
  10. Light, Visions, and the Name: Medieval Japanese Pure Land Approaches to the True Nature of Reality
    Nasu Eishō 那須英勝 (Ryukoku University)
  11. Shinran’s Understanding of the Pure Land as “The Land of Immeasurable Light”
    Michael Conway (Otani University)
  12. The place of mystical wisdom in Judaism: The controversy between M. Buber and G. Scholem
    Ono Fumio 小野文生 (Doshisha University)
  13. The Emergence of the "Human Buddha" in the Nineteenth Century Europe and the Prejudice of the Enlightenment: Focusing on Ozeray and Burnouf
    Nitta Tomomichi 新田智通 (Otani University)
  14. Unbreaking the Broken Commandment: A Buddhist Reading of Hakai
    Ama Michihiro 阿満道尋 (Otani University)
  15. The Enlightenment and Transformation of King Ajātaśatru according to the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra
    Inoue Takami 井上尚実 (Otani University)
  16. To discipline or to forget: The idea of the self and ethical conduct in Sufism and Zen through the writings of al-Ghazālī and Dōgen
    Yazaki Saeko 矢崎早枝子 (University of Glasgow)
  17. “You are ‘gods’; you are all sons of the Most High.” [Ps. 82.6]: Deification and Perfection in Medieval Mystical Thought
    Louise Nelstrop (University of Oxford)
  18. Versatile Samantabhadra: The Many Forms of Fugen Bosatsu in Japan
    Mónika Kiss (Eötvös Loránd University)
  19. “Illumination Wisdom” for Achieving Enlightenment in the Book of Red Wisdom by Suhrawardī
    Sepideh Afrashteh (Visiting Researcher, Otani University)
  20. Enlightenment and its Path: The Tantric Way of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Cult in Tibetan Buddhism
    Shen Weirong 沈衛栄 (Jinghua University)
  21. The Process of Enlightenment in Yogācāra and Huayan Buddhism
    Imre Hamar (Eötvös Loránd University)



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