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真宗総合研究所 国際仏教研究 公開講演会



真宗総合研究所 国際仏教研究 公開講演会 詳細


日時 2011年7月8日(金)16:20~17:50
会場 大谷大学 響流館3階 マルチメディア演習室
講題/講師 【講 題】
  “History as Apologetics: New Accounts of the Buddha Śākyamuni in Meiji Japan”

【講 師】
  Prof. Micah L. Auerback
梗概 During the Meiji period (1868-1912), Japanese Buddhist clerics and academics took a new interest in the “historical” Buddha, Śākyamuni, who had previously figured in Japanese Buddhist history only in a relatively minor capacity. Stimulated by the intense interest in Śākyamuni among Western scholars of Buddhism, these Japanese intellectuals strove to offer their own new accounts of his life and teaching. In these accounts, they confronted new problems: the racial origins of the Buddha, the dates of his life and final nirvāṇa, and the transformation of a human teacher into a supramundane being. This talk will outline some answers to these problems proposed during the Meiji years by prominent intellectuals, including Inoue Tetsujirō, Murakami Senshō, Anesaki Masaharu, and Sakaino Kōyō. While these figures used modern historicist methods, they often showed an unwillingness to limit their interpretations to the spheres of the “rational” and “historical.” The talk will demonstrate how history thus served as a way to shore up the position of Śākyamuni within an integrated “Buddhism.”
備考 講演の後、18:00よりビッグバレーにて、講師のアワーバック先生を囲んで懇親会を開催します。あわせてご参加ください。

Home > 2011年度新着一覧 > 真宗総合研究所 国際仏教研究 公開講演会

